Wizd is serving all your media files (video, audio, photo...) to your networked player.
- automatically detected by your player - browse faster than ever through your media - no aditionnal server required (Apache, PHP...) - low memory usage (less than 10 MB) - fully customizable (skins and settings) - read DVD-ISO backups and standard DVD backups - bookmark feature for MPEG movies - tumbnails mode to preview your pictures - free and open-source :)
- optional : configuration tool for Windows
Latest release
wizd media server : v24 (07/11/2006) wizdXP [ config tool ] : v1.03 (07/11/2006) Go to download page !
OS : - Windows 98, Me, 2K, XP - Linux - NAS (NSLU2, FSG3...)
Networked Players : - I-O Data LinkPlayer - Buffalo LinkTheater - Snazio Net Cinema - H&B DNX-8620 - Quartek WHD-500 - Quartek I-Box 800 - Transgear DVX 700 - Transgear DVX 500 - Pinnacle SC 200 - Omisys DVD PN210V - DigitalRise Xstream Player
... and almost all other players based on Syabas middleware.